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Born and raised in Connecticut, Mark Popovitch has been attending PCC since 1997, after growing up Roman Catholic, and then attending Avery Street Christian Reformed Church in South Windsor. Mark considers himself to have “grown up” at PCC, having attended high school Sunday School classes and Youth Group as a teenager; the church has been very influential in molding him after the Savior she preaches faithfully each week.
Mark has served in a variety of roles at PCC through the years (“anywhere I have the ability to help out I try to”)—roles such as VBS co-director, Pioneer Club, Senior Pastor Search Committee, Sunday School teacher, Newsletter editor, church supply purchaser, and recently as the Ministry Assistant, charged with oversight of the Sunday Evening Worship Service and various other aspects of church ministry.
An M.Div student at Knox Theological Seminary, Mark spends his time with his wife (Amber) and their three children (Natasha, Anton, and Chessa). Mark likes to read and write, enjoys baseball (he is a “retired” baseball umpire who roots avidly for the New York Yankees), and taking hikes on local trails. He’s also been known for his comedic flare, co-starring in a stage play for Mapleton Hall in Suffield, CT.