The Young Adults Ministry exists to cultivate growth in the Christian faith by pursuing authentic community, engaging in study and discussion of the Word of God, and encouraging faithful witness in the world.
Meeting in various homes throughout the PCC congregation, the young adults gather from 6:30PM-9:00PM on the second Sunday of each month. Anyone between the ages of 18-30 are welcome and encouraged to join!
Our prayer for our Young Adult generation is that we would walk in a manner pleasing to God, imitating Christ’s humility, gentleness, and patience, and bearing with one another, that we would be united by the Spirit in the hope of the gospel (Ephesians 4:1-3).
If you have any interest or questions, please contact the Young Adult’s Ministry leader, Andrew Sung, or one of the PCC Pastor’s at the church office: (860) 742-7222.