
The Youth Ministry at PCC exists to serve families by instructing their children in the Word of God, the gospel of Christ, and building strong relationships within the community of faith. The specific focus is to equip youth by helping them discover their identity, calling, and mission as followers of Christ, preparing them to enter adulthood as mature Christians and members of the covenant community.

There are two primary ways we seek to minister to the youth:

  • SNAC (Saturday Night at Church): a ministry-partnership with The Presbyterian Church of Manchester (PCM), meets twice a month on Saturday evenings at PCM from 6:30PM to 9:00PM. This serves as an additional opportunity to connect with fellow students and believers, growing in community, developing a Christian world-view, and opportunity for service and mission.
  • Sunday School: for grades 6-12 is offered every Sunday morning at PCC at 9:30AM.

Occasional events, retreats, and mission trips occur throughout the year to foster growing relationships among the youth and to provide opportunity in service of the Lord. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please contact the church office: (860) 742-7222