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Reverend Kezlon K. Semanda has served as a rural pastor in Uganda for 25 years. He is former Dean of the Anglican Cathedral and has served as Mission Coordinator for the Diocese of Central Buganda (located in central Uganda). He has also taught as a Faculty Member of Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International (PRMI). He received his M.Div and D.Min from Reformed Theological Seminary.
Having been born and reared in an Anglican family, Reverend Semanda says that he owes much of what he is to his loving parents. “They brought me to church for baptism and confirmation while I was still young. I grew up in the things of the church. And there is never a time in my life that I can say, I never knew about God or His Son Jesus Christ. However, it was in 1978 after hearing Billy Graham that I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior!”
Reverend Semanda is greatly disturbed by the large number of baptized people, very few of whom are really committed to Jesus Christ and to His Church. He attributes this lack of commitment to the receipt of inadequate teaching of the faith at the grass root level. Reverend Semanda says that there is an urgent need for comprehensive teaching and mentoring of the peoples, so that Jesus Christ can be known and loved and served. He has witnessed that rural congregations lack well trained pastors and catechists, thus creating a great need for training them, equipping them, and supporting them.